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national prison doula training

*Note- Registration is now closed

October 19-21, 2018

Frequently Asked Questions

What will this training cover?


Potential Discussion, Panel, and Training Topics:

Prison Doulas, Nuts & Bolts - 2 hours

Doula Panel- 2 hours with experienced doulas from MnPDP

Panel of leaders, previously incarcerated clients, and board members from MnPDP - 2 hours

Language of corrections/understanding corrections- 2 hours

Grassroots programs and policy- 2 hours

Historic trauma in criminal justice system and birthing- 2 hours

Social work for doulas & Mental Health Care - 2 hours

Radical self care for prison birth workers - 2 hours

Trauma, the body, and birth - 2 hours

Prenatal education and Parenting education - 2 hours

Self advocacy - 3-4 hours



How much does it cost, and what does that cover?


The total cost of the training is $450. This covers lodging, food, and all discussion/panel/training activities throughout the weekend. Also included are snacks, beverages, and self-care activities. The training will be co-led and attended by the full staff of the MN Prison Doula Project, previously incarcerated clients of the Mn Prison Doula Project, and the current Mn Prison Doula Project Board. 



Who is this training for?


Students, professionals, and community members working at the intersection of reproductive health care and incarceration will be able to learn from each other by attending this training. MnPDP very excited to host this training to share skills, ideas, and strength with others doing this same important work.

No, you do not have to be a doula to attend this training. Our goal is to bring people together who work, or plan to work, with incarcerated parents in female correctional facilities and/or incarcerated pregnant people. Doulas, obstetricians, nurses, social workers, correctional health care workers, correctional administrators, correctional programmers, and many more are welcome!



Are scholarships available?


It is especially important we fund birth companions within communities disproportionately affected by the carceral system, including Indigenous doulas, Black doulas, Women of Color doulas, and LGBTQI2s doulas. We want doulas, birthworkers, reproductive health advocates, and previously incarcerated mothers to connect with those involved with MnPDP and other prison birth doula organizations in the US/Canada, and to share ways in which we’ve been able to support incarcerated people and families/communities affected by mass incarceration and criminalization. We believe in the power of community, coming together to learn from each other, and sharing hopes for future generations.  


We hope to provide 5-10 fully funded scholarships ($450/each), supported by a collection of local community organizations.


How can I apply for a scholarship?


Thank you to all who applied. We will notify the recipients Monday, July 2nd. 


When are the scholarship applications due?


Friday, June 8th, 2018.


When do find out if I have been selected?


Scholarship recipients will be notified via email on Monday, July 2nd, 2018.


What if I don’t get a scholarship?


If we are not able to contribute financial aid due to limited funds and/or many applicants, there may be other ways to help fund travel and admission costs. Employers and Academic Institutions often reserve travel and conference grants for trainings, and may be able to connect you with these resources. For-profit and/or non-profit organizations on local or state levels may have scholarship or grant funds available for trainings as well, and connecting with birth-work related organizations in your community/state to inquire about funding may be helpful. We can help connect interested participants from the same regional areas if you want to consider ridesharing and/or bussing to Minnesota. Also consider Facebook, Go Fund Me, or other community-based fundraising options.


Does this training qualify me to be a prison doula with the MN Prison Doula Project?


No, the goal of this training is not to become part of the Minnesota team, rather a time to come together and share knowledge and skills to implement a similar project in other parts of the US/Canada. At this time we are not adding doulas to the Minnesota Prison Doula Project at any of the sites but if you would like to be added to our database of interested doulas please click here.


Will I receive Continuing Education Credits (or CEUs) with this training?


We will provide certificates of completion for this training, including a copy of the agenda and total training hours.



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