Exciting Changes!
Exciting changes!
As of July 1, 2015 Minnesota's Healthy Beginnings for Babies of Incarcerated Mothers law will go into full effect, extending to all 87 counties in our state. By law, no incarcerated mother in Minnesota will have to endure pregnancy, birth and the early postpartum period in restraints. All incarcerated pregnant and postpartum mothers will also be offered the support of a doula.
As we sadly say goodbye to our beloved goddess Isis and the warm beginnings we found at Everyday Miracles, change our name to reflect the statewide effort that is about to begin. From this point forward, our work will now be called the Minnesota Prison Doula Project. Standby for upcoming announcements detailing expansion of our staff and the reach of our work into new counties and facilities. If you, or anyone you know, has been interested in becoming a part of our project, the time has come. Please put out the word to anyone you know who may be interested. This year will offer many new opportunities for birth professionals to do this essential work in our state.
Our former logo depicts a mother holding her baby with her wrists in shackles. We are currently working to create a new symbol to represent the positive progress away from restraints.
We also will be moving to a new home in the coming weeks. Watch for more updates soon to come, including our new contact information.
We thank you all for your supportive thoughts, words, and actions over the past seven years and hope to share with you our journey ahead, as we partner with incarcerated women for effective change and renewed appreciation for the sacredness of all birth.
We also want to thank Everyday Miracles for helping the Minnesota Prison Doula Project get its start and for their support over the years.
In Peace,
For Progress,
Erica, Rae, and all of our devoted staff Press Release